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Hey sorry for bothering u but when are we expecting chapter 2?

There's no scheduled release date for it yet, unfortunately :x


Brilliant and well wriiten well dome!


Thank you so very much, mate!


nice visual novel, very cool

Thank you!

Also if you look up ashnikko's deal with it (official lyrics video), amazing song, the font they use for the music video might be another option to model the german shepard's, I fogot his name lmao, font after. Though if you try it out you didn't get the inspiration from me lmao. 

There is a typo in the conversation with Rob's boss. They talk about the hockey team and use the word they instead of their when talking about the teams actions. I may be wrong, but it was a typo that I noticed. I really enjoy the game and can't wait for future updates.

(1 edit)

*Slight spoiler ahead* Also will going for it with Matthew affect their relationship negatively in the future. Like going into it too quickly.


The game looks interesting from the art alone. Can't wait to see what this has in store for me.


Thank you very much, mate! Glad you've been enjoying it. I'll look into the other posts you've made to make sure everything's fixed :)

No problem


I can't wait for the next chapter! I can't believe that after just one chapter I'm so into this! You're doing great work! Keep it up please! I must know what happens!!! :D

Sure thing, buddy! I'll do my best, thank you for all the excitement x)


Eu amei o jogo e estou ansioso para a proxima atualização, e muito obrigado por traduzir para a lingua portuguesa quase não tem jogos em pt muito obrigado mesmo e ainda vou tentar ser um patreon para te ajudar pq vc merece muito

Opa, muitíssimo obrigado! Fico feliz que tenha gostado e espero que não tenha encontrado muitos erros de português na minha tradução <XD

E eu ficaria muito honrado e feliz com qualquer ajuda que você puder e quiser me dar C:

Deleted 3 years ago

Just got some time to play this and it was quite enjoyable. The sound effects were a pretty good addition too, transmitted a lot of the feelings the character had at times and helped me imagine them more clearly. Good work so far. 

P.D Roberto knows Spanish! the addition of words here and there was cool. :D

Why thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it and all of the additions! X3


Daddy Lee <3

He's a cool guy x)


Okay! Time to call out a Toxic B!tch!!!!!!!

how dare tuesday not say hello back.............?


Because it can't!


Sorry, but not with that attitude. If you keep enabling Tuesday to push you around, then its only gonna lead you to get hurt. You tell that Tuesday that: She ain't that special; ever since their glow-up, Thursday is way more sexier and fun; and finally, if she doesn't spend 24/7 working her attitude, she is gonna lose the one good thing in her life. YOU! Don't let her treat you like crap. You work too hard for that!




In all seriousness though, loved the game so far. Excited to see what comes next!


Thank you very much, mate! x)






Oh? A new visual novel? The previews look very promising already! Guess I know what I'm about to play! >:3

(1 edit) (+1)

I hope you like it :)


Hey, I love the game! But who is this Derek you like to include so much? How is he? Will he appear in future episodes? I´d love a theory iceber about this game :D

He's a character from one of my previous works, a comic called "The Golden Week"

It's mostly a recurring character/easter-egg, but who knows, maybe he'll end showing up :)


It´s better than I expected! You made an entire world for all your stories.

I´m excited to see how far it can go

PS: Are u planning to keep making games about this New Nycan universe?

For this current one yes; to help keep things consistent.


yo so far this game is great i was instantly engrossed into the story 

Thanks! I'm really glad you're enjoying it thus far! x3


The game clearly caught my attention. It's frustrating. I want to try this game, but I only have an Android device💔💔


An android port is in my plans, just don't have an idea of when it'll be out yet :x


Ill try it tomorrow on my pc, it was in my feed

I hope you enjoy it, mate :)


Muito feliz de ver mais falantes de portugues criando visual novels ^^

estou baixando agora, mas de qualquer jeito te desejo muito sucesso

Ahhh, muito obrigado! Espero que goste bastante x)


This is great! I like the simplicity of the dialogue and story, and the characters seem unique without falling into one of those obviously noticeable archetypes. I also like that the story isn't dramatic or anything, adding some realism. I'm looking forward to this a lot!😊

Wow, thank you very much! I hope the remainder of the story holds up to your expectations and doesn't disappoint. Thank you very much, friend. x)


You’re very welcome! I had fun with this game😁


this artwork looks familiar to a gay furry comic yiff series, no offense, wwhich I love and I'm looking forward to the other episodes


Hello there! I am also the author of The Golden Week, the Call me Series, and "What A Night to be Cursed", you might be recognizing my artwork from those titles as well :)


OH MY GOD!!! I love those comics!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤ They are the best comics I've ever read, thank you for making those amazing comics and continue with the amazing work!!!!!!!!!!😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕


I'm enjoying the game so far and wow I'm looking forward to see what happens next ^_^ Great job :D

Thank you very much, friend!


Is there gonna be an android version I really like the look of the look of game and I'm hoping that u can make an android version in the future

I do plan to, yes. Once all 5 episodes are done then I'll start looking into porting it to other devices.


Nem acredito que tu tá trabalhando numa VN! Acabei de descobrir, parabéns mano;

Você fará um Port pro Android também?

Eu pretendo sim. A ideia era terminar os outros 4 episódios antes de pensar em portar pra outras plataformas.

E muito obrigado! x)


Pelo seus trabalhos antigos nas comics, estou ansioso! Boa sorte no projeto


DouglasKim, i played your game before the new update, and i saw in the development log "persistent date system". Do i need to play again on the new update to save my data's or not ? Thanks in advance for your answer ^^

Yes, if you played before the update you will need to play it again.

Thankfully, you can reload a previous save game and finish it up from there. All you need to do is get to the credits scene, then it'll save your progress in the persistent data system. Although I would recommend playing from the beginning. :)


umm is there other routes than matthew's because no matter how many times i replayed and changed my responds, i kept on getting his scene (i was aiming for the coach BTW)


Nay, this story is more linear and it follows the story of Rob and Matthew, so the other characters aren't romanceable.




Hello Douglas, just finished the 1st episode and i really like it, The characters are interesting. I'm looking forward to play the next episode. 


Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it <3



the mental color shading doesn'y come off after inner voice Reason.












After Rob say "Should I ask?"




Thanks, I've fixed both these bugs, they'll be corrected in the next update :)


New game, Yaaa~


Hope you enjoy it! :D


Thanks. Interesting characters :З


Thanks for playing :)

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